Telephone: (831) 667-2100
Hours: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday (PST)
If you are calling outside of these hours, please leave a message. We will return your call.
NOTE: We do not make reservations nor do we track availability for lodging or camping.

We apologize for any inconvenience these short office hours cause. If you leave a message we'll be happy to return your call. Thank you for your understanding.
More helpful contacts:
Big Sur Station ("Ranger Station") (831) 667-2315. Personnel are available Everyday from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (PST). Big Sur Station has information about hiking, camping, backpacking, road conditions and more. While in Big Sur you can pick up trail maps, books, posters, and lots of other information. They also have public restrooms. No public telephones but cell phones work in this area. See map for location.
California Department of Fish & Game: (831) 649-2870

Download our local Big Sur Visitors Guide in Adobe PDF.
The Big Sur Guide lists all the resorts, hotels, motels, restaurants, art galleries, gift shops and all other businesses in Big Sur with a small amount of descriptive text and contact telephone numbers. This document prints well on a 8.5" x 11" paper.
Click Here (364k) for a very nicely detailed map of the Central Coast which includes National Parks, National Forest Land, State Park, Wilderness Areas, Freeways, Highways, Scenic Byways, Major Airports, California Missions, Roadside Rest Areas, Lighthouses, OHV Recreation Areas, Wildlife Viewing Areas and more, all in a convenient pdf format.
Click Here (648k) for a detailed map of California
Click here to view an online map of the Central Coast.